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Viewing expense history

Learn how to see and show auditors the audit log for expenses and payments in Payhawk.

Boris Angelov avatar
Written by Boris Angelov
Updated over a week ago

Payhawk provides an audit log for each company expense allowing you to see and reconstruct the history of an expense and its payment in the system.

Viewing the history of an expense is especially important for businesses based in Germany as the functionality follows the German Directive on Electronic Bookkeeping and Accounting (GoBD) and enables Finance teams to do paperless accounting.

To view expense history in Payhawk:

  1. Log in to the Payhawk web portal.

  2. Go to Expenses.

  3. Select the desired expense by clicking on it.

  4. Click on the three dots menu and select the View history option.

    In the dialog that opens, you can see all expense updates including:

    • The person who made the changes.

    • The time the change took place.

    • The export status, export date, the person who exported the data, and more - for example, ERP (accounting) live export events when there is active live integration; if there isn't active live integration, the export events for any file export performed from the Export app.

    • If there was a previous value for the updated field, Payhawk will display it too.

  5. To exit the Expense history dialog, click on X.

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