You may have received an email response from the Payhawk system with the The SPF signature of your email is not valid or is missing message.
The reason for getting this email is that your email address doesn't have a correct SPF signature.
About SPF
The Sender Policy Framework (SPF) is an email authentication protocol that is used by domain owners to specify the email servers from which they send emails. In this way, domain owners increase the security level for these domains and fraudsters find it harder to spoof sender information.
Payhawk requires SPF to guarantee that your account won’t receive fraudulent emails from someone who pretends to be part of your organization.
Next steps
To handle the issue with the missing SPF validation of your email address, contact your IT department and ask them to enable the SPF signature for your email provider.
For example:
If your email provider is Google Suite, follow the steps from the official Google Workspace Admin Help documentation about preventing spoofing and spam with SPF.
If your email provider is Office 365, follow the steps from the official Microsoft 365 documentation about setting up SPF to prevent spoofing.