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Payhawk for administrators
Payhawk for administrators

Control funds, cards, and ERP integrations. Set up workflows, spend policies, and custom fields. Manage employees and teams.

218 articles
Getting started for Payhawk administratorsIntroductory tutorial for the administrator role: how to add and manage funds, employees, teams, issue cards, and set approval workflows.

Freeze or delete corporate cards. Set spending limits and define spend policies. Enable ATM and card requests and manage all your team and individual corporate cards.

Overview of cards, card limits, and advanced card controls for administratorsLearn what types of cards you can issue to your employees and what available spend limits and card controls you can set to them.
Using Payhawk cards for your custom needsLearn how to use Payhawk cards most suitably for your company and employees.
Issuing physical cardsIssue physical plastic and Premium Metal Payhawk cards for the employees at your company and issue standard plastic ones in bulk.
Issuing virtual cardsIssue standard or single-use virtual Payhawk cards.
Issuing virtual American Express CardsIssue and manage virtual Cards using your eligible Main American Express Card as a funding source through Payhawk.
Naming cards for employeesName the Payhawk corporate cards your company has issued to your employees.
Setting spend limits and card controls for individual cardsDefine the recurring spending card limit, approval workflows for fund requests, settings for increasing the spending limit, and more.
Blocking, unblocking, and closing employees' cardsLearn how to block or unblock, or close employees' cards when no longer needed.
Reissuing expiring Payhawk cardsWhat happens when my Payhawk card expires? How can I reissue employees' cards?
Enabling and disabling card requestsLearn how you can allow your employees to request new cards.
Changing the funding source of employees' cardsLearn how to change the Payhawk currency account that feeds an employee's card.
Updating the default shipping address of your companyUpdate the address of your company to which new or reissued physical Payhawk cards will be delivered.
FAQ on cards and ATM withdrawalsFind answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) about the ATM withdrawal fee collection.

Set up your payment infrastructure to handle payments and send funds between the Payhawk spend management platform entity accounts and your bank accounts.

Funds in PayhawkCan I use FPS, SEPA Standard or Instant, ACH pull and push, or local wires to add money to Payhawk? What time does depositing funds take?
Supported currencies and payment schemes for top-ups and incoming bank transfersView the supported currencies and payment schemes for top-ups or bank transfers from linked or external bank accounts respectively.
Supported currencies and payment schemes for outgoing bank transfersCheck the supported currencies and payment schemes you can use for outgoing bank transfers from Payhawk.
Opening new Payhawk currency accountsCreate new Payhawk accounts in the currencies you need so you can quickly top up funds and deposit sums in company cards.
Linking and unlinking bank accounts to PayhawkLink your bank accounts to Payhawk to benefit from speedy top-ups or unlink a bank account if you use it no longer.
Linking and unlinking EUR bank accounts to Payhawk (Germany only)Link your EUR bank accounts to Payhawk if your business is based in Germany or unlink a bank account if you use it no longer.
Linking and unlinking bank accounts to Payhawk (US only)Successfully connect Payhawk and the bank of your US-based company over Plaid.
Manually adding external bank accounts to PayhawkLearn how to manually add your external bank account to Payhawk.
Checking funds availabilityCheck whether the funds in your Payhawk accounts are sufficient to cover the monthly card limits for all cardholders at your company.
Loading funds to your Payhawk accountAdd funds to your Payhawk account over bank transfers or top-ups from non-linked or linked accounts respectively.
Loading funds to your Payhawk account (Germany only)Add funds in EUR to your Payhawk account if your business is based in Germany and make bank transfers or top-ups.
Confirmation of payee (UK only)Learn how the CoP checks in Payhawk affect your user experience when filling in supplier or reimbursement data.
FAQ on fundsCan I open different debit or credit accounts in the same currency in Payhawk? Can I define who'll receive an email alert for low funds?
FAQ on payment run filesFind answers to FAQs about Payhawk-generated payment run files for external payments.

Connect the Payhawk spend management platform with your ERP system and map your Payhawk categories to your accounts in Oracle NetSuite, Exact Online, Xero, QuickBooks Online, MS Business Central, MS Finance, DATEV, and more. Reclaim your VAT through 60dias.

Card linkingConnect, authenticate, and enroll you corporate cards in Payhawk.6 articles
DATEVConnect and map your Payhawk categories with your DATEV Unternehmen Online (DUO) accounts.9 articles
Exact OnlineConnect and map your Payhawk categories with your Exact Online accounts.7 articles
HR information systems (HRIS)Integrate Payhawk to your HR system and sync your employee data.3 articles
MS Business CentralConnect and map your Payhawk categories with your MS Business Central accounts.9 articles
Oracle NetSuiteConnect and map your Payhawk categories with your Oracle NetSuite accounts.12 articles
QuickBooks OnlineConnect and map your Payhawk categories with your QuickBooks accounts.8 articles
Sage IntacctConnect and map your Payhawk categories with your Sage Intacct accounts.9 articles
TravelPerkStay on top of your business travels by using the Payhawk-TravelPerk integration.2 articles
XeroConnect and map your Payhawk categories with your Xero accounts.9 articles
60diasReclaim your VAT by using the Payhawk-60dias integration.1 article
Error messagesReview the error messages you encounter while using your ERP-integrated system with Payhawk.8 articles

Get an overview of the built-in and custom supplier and expense fields and learn how to define, edit, and manage them.

Carbon emissions

Enable the carbon emissions tracking to monitor the carbon footprint of your company.

Enabling the carbon emissions trackingEnable and generate your carbon emissions report on demand.

Close effectively accounting periods and archive your invoices on a monthly base.

Closing the month and archiving expensesArchive your company expenses every month in Payhawk.