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Approving and declining expenses from the Expenses app
Approving and declining expenses from the Expenses app

Can I select many expenses and approve them at once in bulk? Can I decline, reject, or return (un)paid expenses to employees to correct?

Updated over a week ago

Based on the defined approval workflows at your company, you may be designated as an approver for expenses submitted by your teammates.

Whenever an expense requiring your approval is submitted, you will receive an expense request in your Payhawk Inbox and a notification via email.

From the Expenses app of the Payhawk web portal, you can:

  • Approve expenses individually

  • Approve expenses in bulk

  • Delete unpaid expenses

  • Return unpaid expenses to the respective employees for update

  • Return paid expenses for review


Accessing expenses for approval

You can approve, return, and delete expenses from the Expenses > Approve tab in the Payhawk web portal.

Approving expenses associated with budgets

If you are a Budget owner, you can view budget details from the expense Budget section and, from there, navigate to both the budget for more information.

Approving expenses individually

To approve expenses one by one from the Expenses app in the Payhawk web portal:

  1. Go to Expenses.

  2. Select the desired expense.

  3. Click on Approve.

Approving expenses in bulk

To approve multiple expenses in bulk from the Expenses app in the Payhawk web portal:

  1. Go to Expenses.

  2. To select multiple expenses for bulk approval, check the EXPENSE checkbox. Selecting the EXPENSE checkbox marks only the visible expenses on the screen. To select more expenses, scroll down the page. Alternatively, hover over a specific expense and select its checkbox.

    Either way, a flyout dialog will appear, displaying a summary of all selected expenses.

  3. Click on Approve.

Returning unpaid expenses to employees

To return an expense to the employee from the Expenses app in the Payhawk web portal:

  1. Go to Expenses.

  2. Select the desired expense.

  3. Click on its three-dot menu:

    1. If an approver, select Decline and, then, Return to employee.

    2. If an authorized person, select Return to employee.

  4. Under Note, enter the reason for declining with the additional details the employee needs to provide.

  5. Click on Return.

Deleting unpaid expenses

Selecting Reject and delete will remove the expense with the following specifics:

  • For card expenses, the action will not delete the expense but will display the reason for your action to the accountant.

  • For other types of expenses, the action will delete the expense unless it's been paid already without approval.

To delete an unpaid expense from the Expenses app in the web portal:

  1. Go to Expenses and select the desired expense.

  2. Click on its three-dot menu and select Decline.

  3. In the dialog that opens:

    1. Click on Reject and delete.

    2. Under Note, enter the reason for your action.

    3. Select the checkbox to confirm your choice.

    4. Click on Reject and delete.

Returning paid expenses for review

Although paid expenses cannot be deleted in Payhawk, they can be returned for review. This ensures that, despite the payment being processed, the Finance team can take the necessary actions - such as deducting the amount from the employee's payroll or arranging a reimbursement via bank transfer to the company account.

To return a paid expense for review in the web portal:

  1. Go to Expenses and select the desired expense.

  2. Click on its three-dot menu and select Decline.

  3. In the dialog that opens:

    1. Select Reject.

    2. Under Note, enter the reason for your action.

    3. Click on Reject.

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