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Approvals in Payhawk
Manage your inbox and approve requests from other employees.
7 articles
Approving and declining fund requestsCan I approve and reject fund requests sent by my teammates? Can I allow or refuse them to add more money to their cards?
Approving and declining expense requests from the Payhawk InboxCan I approve requests from my teammates and allow them to spend money and cover company expenses?
Approving and declining expenses from the Expenses appCan I select many expenses and approve them at once in bulk? Can I decline, reject, or return (un)paid expenses to employees to correct?
Approving and declining ATM withdrawal requestsCan I approve or reject withdrawal requests sent by my teammates? Can I allow or refuse them to draw company cash and get money at ATMs?
Approving and declining purchasesApprove or decline purchase requests submitted by other employees and allow the purchase of required company goods or services.
Approving and declining card requestsCan I approve requests from my teammates for new cards? Can I issue Payhawk or virtual American Express Cards on behalf of my company?
Submission and approval notificationsHow can I be notified about submitted requests? Will I be notified if I need to approve approval requests?