This article provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to budgets in Payhawk.
What will happen to my budget if I have an invoice linked to a purchase order that is not closed?
If you have a purchase order for EUR 100 and a related invoice for EUR 20, the utilized budget will increase by EUR 20 while your committed spend will decrease by EUR 20.
Can multiple item lines in expenses affect multiple budgets the same way as multiple item lines in purchase orders do?
Yes, each line item can be referred to a different budget.
How do FX rates affect budgets?
Your utilized budget will be updated with the FX rate for the expense document date.
How will my budget be affected if a custom field (budget dimension) is deleted?
For future periods the utilized budget for that dimension will be empty.
We have a budget with a category dimension and another budget with a dimension that is a sub-category of the first budget category. What will happen if an invoice related to the sub-category comes in?
If you have a budget with, for example, a Sales category dimension, then another budget with the Sales/Barcelona sub-category dimension, and you receive an expense for Sales/Barcelona, then the utilization of both budgets will be affected by the amount.
How are open purchases treated in terms of budgets?
Unpaid amounts on open purchase orders fall into the committed spend for each consecutive month until they are closed.
Can one budget owner be responsible for multiple budgets?
Can every budget be under the supervision of more than one budget owner?
Yes, multiple budget owners can be imported for a single budget. Their emails must be separated with a comma in the template file.
Are the expenses allocated from budgets in net or gross (including VAT) amounts?
The entries are allocated in net amounts.
Is the number of budget owners calculated per person or per the times a single employee is set as a budget owner?
A single person is counted as one. For example, you may have 10 budgets each with 500 categories but the number of budget owners will be calculated based on the number of unique emails entered in the template.
Do budget owners necessarily need to be Payhawk administrators or can they also be employees?
You can assign employees of any Payhawk role at your company as budget owners. All Payhawk administrators have access to all company budgets.
Who can import budgets into Payhawk?
Only Payhawk administrators can import budgets into Payhawk.
Who can add new budget forecasts to Payhawk?
Only Payhawk administrators can add new budget forecasts to Payhawk.
Can I add a budget forecast that is not only period-driven but also event-driven?
Currently, budget forecasting is only possible by month so that you can mark it for the applicable month periods.