The Group dashboard analytics data occupies the first section within the Group dashboard. By default, the metrics display your top spending teams and entities in the consolidated currency for a 6-month period.
Viewing the top-spending teams
In the top spending bar chart, you can see which teams, from all entities, have the highest spend.
By hovering over a team, for example, Finance, you’ll be able to see their spending, highlighted against other teams’ spending.
By hovering over any bar, a pop-up will display and associate the relevant team’s spending.
Viewing the top-spending entities
The top spending chart displays each entity’s spending relative to all other entities’ spending in a group.
By hovering over an entity, for example, Payhawk Spain Demo, you’ll see the relevant entity spending compared to other entities’ spend.
By hovering over any side of the chart, a pop-up will display and associate the relevant entity's spending.