This article lists some of the frequently asked questions (FAQ) and solutions to some corner cases related to the integration between the Payhawk system and the DATEV Unternehmen Onlne (DUO) accounting software.
How are employee reimbursements managed?
For refunds, Payhawk treats the employee as a supplier and, therefore, the system needs the vendor number of that employee in DATEV. The employee's vendor number in DATEV has to be entered as their External ID in Payhawk and, in this way, Payhawk is able to assign the expense or payment posting to the employee in DATEV.
Can I transfer more custom fields from Payhawk to DATEV?
The Payhawk-DATEV integration uses the XML interface of the DUO system. In it, the only available fields Payhawk can use are KOST1 and KOST2. Currently, DATEV does not have a DUO API that Payhawk can use to send more of its custom fields to DUO.
Do you plan to integrate Payhawk directly with DATEV Rechnungswesen without going through DUO?
Authorized DATEV representatives and Payhawk's tax advisors reckon that the accounting data has to go through DUO in order for it to be better managed.
If you are interested in discussing direct Payhawk-DATEV integration capabilities, contact the Sales team at Payhawk.
Why are the expense documents in DATEV of lower quality than the ones on the Payhawk portal?
When exported from Payhawk to DATEV, the images are compressed. This process can sometimes impact the quality of the document images.