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Managing purchases

Can I edit or delete my purchase if I got something wrong?

Updated today

You can delete and make updates to your purchase requests and purchases.

Editing purchases

You can edit your purchase requests when they are in a draft state (Draft tab), when they've been returned (Returned tab) or approved (Open tab) as well as when they're pending approval (Pending approval tab).

  • Once you edit a pending approval or approved purchase, you'll need to resubmit it for approval.

  • The return of the document for editing will be added to the audit log and will be visible under its Activity tab.

To edit your purchase:

  1. In the Payhawk web portal, go to the desired purchase. For this example, use an approved purchase under the Purchases > Open tab.

  2. Click on its three-dot menu and select Edit.

  3. In the dialog that opens, select the checkbox and click on Edit purchase. As a result, the purchase will move to the Draft tab and you'll be able to edit and resubmit it.

Deleting purchases

You can only delete purchases before they are submitted for approval.

To delete a purchase from the Payhawk web portal:

  1. In the Payhawk web portal, go to Purchases > Drafts.

  2. Select the desired purchase by clicking on it.

  3. Click on the three dots menu and select Delete.

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