Handle your personal account, do basic card operations, submit mileage and per diems, and get reimbursed.
Submit payment documents for the company expenses you as an employee made and learn how to delete, edit, and upload payment slips and invoices in bulk.
Check your corporate card availability, and request additional funds, new cards, or approval for ATM withdrawals. Learn where to view your PIN, how to freeze your card, and do other basic card operations as an employee.
Create product receipt and service purchase orders, submit purchase order approvals, and follow up the procurement process with the supplier and within the company.
Keep track of your recurring business expenses as an employee, review the amount and number of made and upcoming payments, and check the comparison between previous and current expenses.
Managing your profile in Payhawk's Business Spend Management Platform allows you as an employee to add your reimbursement details, update your password, check your travel insurance, and configure even more settings.
Learn what fraudulent translations are and how to protect your card.