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Managing the settings of built-in expense fields
Managing the settings of built-in expense fields

Control the visibility of the built-in expense fields and set whether they'll be required for the review and submission of the expense.

Updated over 4 months ago

You can set the visibility and the required-for-review or submission options for each built-in expense field to which they apply.

Visibility options of specific fields

Payhawk provides you with control over the employees who can view specific expense fields.

The available visibility options for the following expense fields are specific, namely:

  • The Document expense field can only be set to Everyone.

  • The Document date and Supplier expense fields cannot be set to No one.

  • The Tax rate expense field cannot be set to Everyone.

If the Allow employees to be members of multiple teams option has been disabled, Team will:

  • Display the Accountants and Administrators and No one visibility options.

  • Display the Required for review toggle if the visibility is set to Accountants and Administrators.

If the Allow employees to be members of multiple teams option has been enabled from the Settings > Teams menu, the Team expense field will:

  • Have its visibility set to Everyone as read-only.

  • Display both the Required for submission and Required for review toggles that can be set.

Setting the visibility of built-in expense fields

Payhawk provides you with control over the employees who can view specific expense fields.

To change the Document type expense field visibility, for example:

  1. Log into the Payhawk web portal.

  2. Go to Settings > Expense fields.

  3. Click on the desired built-in expense field, for example, Document type.

  4. Click on the drop-down button and select the user roles that can access the field, for example, Accountants and Administrators.

  5. Click on Save changes.

Setting the required-for-review options for built-in expense fields

As a Payhawk administrator, you can also define which built-in expense fields are required for review. As a result, if any of the required fields have been left blank, Payhawk accountants will not be able to mark an expense as reviewed (from the Expense app).

If the visibility of the built-in expense field is No one, Required for review is not available.

To enable the Required for review setting for a built-in expense field:

  1. Go to Settings > Expense fields.

  2. Click on the desired built-in expense field, for example, Document date.

  3. Turn the Required for review toggle on.

  4. Click on Save changes.

Setting the required-for-submission options for built-in expense fields

Fields that are required for submission are fields that you would expect employees to fill in before they submit expenses.

Required for submission is only available if the visibility of the built-in expense field is Everyone.

To enable the Required for submission setting for a built-in expense field:

  1. Go to Settings > Expense fields.

  2. Click on the desired built-in expense field, for example, Document date.

  3. Turn the Required for submission toggle on.

    The Document field provides an additional option for setting a threshold below which no document is needed for your employees to submit an expense. To enable it, enter the desired amount.

  4. Click on Save changes.

Settings for expense categories

Expense categories provide additional options for suggestion strategies related to the automatic population of expense data into the category field of the expense. For more information, see the article about the suggestion strategies for expense categories and the custom expense fields.

For more details on managing expense categories, see the following resources:

Useful resources

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