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Scheduling payments

Schedule bill payments for a due date, for a specific date, or for immediate authorization and payment.

Updated over a week ago

As part of the details confirmation process for an expense, the people with the rights to confirm details can schedule bills to be paid on the expense due dates, on a specific date, or immediately after authorization.

  • The default payment execution will be visible in the Payment execution drop-down and will be either immediate payment or due date payment depending on the settings defined by your Payhawk administrator.

  • Reimbursable, mileage, and per diem spend cannot be scheduled.

Time execution of scheduled payments

Scheduled payments will be executed at 12PM Bulgarian time (GMT+3) on the set day.

Scheduling single bill payments

To schedule the payment of an expense with a bank transfer:

  1. Log in to the Payhawk web portal.

  2. Go to the Expenses > Confirm details tab.

  3. Select the desired expense by clicking on it.

  4. From the Payment execution method drop-down menu, schedule the payment for:

    • Pay now - by selecting this option, the payment run for the expense will be triggered immediately after its authorization by the authorized people at your company.

    • Due date - the due date of the expense as detected and automatically filled in by the Payhawk OCR.

      Note that due dates can only be set in the future. If you try to schedule an expense for a past due date, the system will display a warning and the execution date will be today.

    • Specific date - select the date for the scheduled payment from the calendar.

      Note that past dates will be disabled and you will only be able to set a specific date in the future.

  5. When ready with the details confirmation of the expense, click on Confirm details. As a result, the expense will move under the Pay > Authorize tab for the authorized people at your company to proceed with the payment or confirm it for scheduling.

Scheduling bill payments in bulk

You can schedule two or more bill payments in bulk:

  1. Go to the Expenses > Pay > Confirm details tab.

  2. Select the checkbox of the desired expenses.

  3. From the Payment execution drop-down, select the payment execution method.

  4. From the Reference drop-down, select the desired reference for each scheduled payment part of the bulk payment run - document number, document date, or both combined.

  5. In the dialog that opens on the right, click on Confirm details. As a result, all scheduled bill payments will move under the Pay > Authorize tab for the respective people at your company to process.

For more information about rescheduling or paying scheduled bill payments immediately, see the article on managing scheduled payments.

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