You can pay at hotels and for car rentals with your Payhawk card. These merchants typically place a temporary hold or pre-authorization on your card to ensure funds are available for your stay and any incidental charges such as room service, mini-bar, or damages. This is not an actual charge, but a hold on a certain amount of money. The actual charge will occur once the final amount is settled.
The hold on your funds may last from 30 to 45 days before it is released, depending on the merchant. The transaction authorization process is controlled by the merchant, and Payhawk cannot expedite it. However, you can contact the merchant directly to inquire about the possibility of a faster resolution.
Once the merchant processes the authorization, the status of the transaction will update from Authorized to Paid, and the amount will be adjusted to reflect the actual charge. The status will also change from Pending settlement to Settled.
If the merchant does not release the hold on the full amount, the corresponding expenses will disappear from your expense list, and you will no longer be able to view them.