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Overview of shared data with QuickBooks Online

Learn what data is pulled and pushed between Payhawk and QuickBooks Online.

Updated over 2 months ago

The direct integration between Payhawk and QuickBooks Online allows you to have full control over the data exchanged between the two systems.

Payhawk performs data synchronization when connected to QuickBooks Online for the first time. Optionally, Payhawk administrators can trigger the data sync on demand.

The integration creates or maps a bank account for each active currency in Payhawk. You will also specify the starting date of the balances that you would like to synchronize between Payhawk and QuickBooks Online.

The following diagram summarizes the data that is automatically synced between the systems.

Pushing payments to QuickBooks Online

For accounting reasons, Payhawk exports only settled transactions. This means that if a payment has been authorized, but not settled yet, Payhawk will not export it to QuickBooks Online.

Once a transaction is settled by the bank, its settlement date and amount will be automatically exported to the Payhawk bank account in QuickBooks Online as a bill payment.

For more information on Payhawk-QuickBooks Online accounts integration, see the article about syncing accounts with QuickBooks Online.

Pushing deposits to QuickBooks Online

By default, once a deposit has been received, Payhawk automatically pushes the deposit transaction as a bank deposit transaction in QuickBooks Online.

Sometimes the automatic export of deposits is not desired due to required pre-defined settings. In such cases, contact Payhawk to disable the automatic deposit export feature.

Pushing expenses to QuickBooks Online

Once an expense has been reviewed, Payhawk pushes that expense to QuickBooks Online as a bill.

For reimbursement expenses, Payhawk uses the employee as a vendor.

Linking invoices to payments

When a bill is posted and it's been paid through Payhawk, Payhawk will automatically create and link a bill payment.

Exported data fields to QuickBooks Online

Payhawk exports the following data fields to the QuickBooks Online system:

  • Supplier - If the supplier is not in the QuickBooks Online system, Payhawk will notify the user that this may be a new supplier and will display the option to create it from Payhawk or, if the user role is Employee, to request so from an Administrator role.

  • Document number

  • Document number prefix - This optional field allows you to provide a prefix to all expenses made through Payhawk and easily visualize them for their export to QuickBooks Online.

  • Document date

  • Service period - Once the Administrator changes the Service period date in Payhawk, it will overwrite the Document date of the expense posted in the ERP system.

  • Due date - For all bank expenses, Payhawk exports the due date. If there is no due date entered, the date of the expense is used as the due date.

  • Note - The cardholder's explanatory note for the expense is shown in the Description field of the expense in QuickBooks Online.

  • Document image

  • Amount - The total amount minus the tax rate for the expense.

  • Currency

  • Tax Rate - The tax rate provided by QuickBooks Online.

  • Tracking Categories - Payhawk imports QuickBooks Online Classes, Locations, Customers, and Projects and allows them to be used as expense fields.

  • Fees - When there is a fee to the transaction, that fee will create a separate payment journal entry in the dedicated account during the connection to the ERP system.

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