After you add the required purchase details to your purchase request, you can submit it for approval.
Initial submission of purchase requests
To submit your purchase request for approval:
In the Payhawk web portal, go to Purchases > Draft.
Select the desired purchase request by clicking on it.
Click on Send for approval. As a result, the approver will receive a notification in their Inbox and the purchase request will move under the Pending approval tab.
Submitting returned purchase requests for approval
After you send your purchase request for approval, it may turn out that some of the provided information is wrong and the approver has returned the document for you to update.
To edit and re-submit a purchase request after it has been returned to you:
In the Payhawk web portal, go to Purchases > Returned.
Select the purchase request by clicking on it and edit the required data.
To edit the note of the purchase request, click on the three dots menu and select the Edit option.
To modify the items, select the ones you need.
To add more items, click on the + Add new item button and provide the required details.
When ready, click on Send for approval.
Editing submitted or approved purchase requests
You may need to update or add some data to an already submitted or approved purchase request. In such cases, Payhawk enables you to edit your purchase request without having to wait for the approver to explicitly return it to you.
The return for editing of the document will be added to the audit log and will be visible under its Activity tab.
To update your submitted purchase request or approved purchase order:
In the Payhawk web portal, go to Purchases.
Select the desired submitted purchase request or approved purchase order by clicking on it.
Click on its three-dot menu and select the Edit option. As a result, the document moves back to the Draft tab.
If the purchase order has been approved by some or all required approvers:
On the next screen, confirm that you want to edit the document and click on Edit purchase order.
Update the necessary details.
Click on Send for approval.
If the purchase request has been submitted but not yet approved: