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FAQ on the Receipts Mailbox

Can I get answers on how to send, forward, and attach expense documents for paid and unpaid expenses using the Payhawk Receipts Mailbox?

Updated over a week ago

This article provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQ) related to the Receipts Mailbox in Payhawk.

Can I set forwarding rules for the Receipts Mailbox?

If you regularly receive invoices from a supplier, you can create forwarding rules in your Inbox so that Payhawk can automatically receive all these invoices. For more information, see the article about setting up forwarding rules for the Payhawk Receipts Mailbox.

What if my user is part of multiple accounts?

If your user is part of multiple accounts, Payhawk will read the invoice through its Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and data extraction algorithms to find your correct account and expense. The successful processing of expense documents over the Receipts Mailbox, even if you are part of multiple entities, is supported.

What can I do if the expense document is not successfully processed?

Sometimes, however, your expense document cannot be processed successfully if, for example, you are part of multiple Payhawk accounts and it is not clear which one of them to pick.

To manually process your pending Mailbox request and expense document:

  1. From the Payhawk web portal or mobile app, open your Inbox.

  2. Find the Mailbox request with the document that you need to process. Click on Attach to existing expense.

  3. Select the entity on whose behalf the expense was made. Click on + Add as a new expense.

  4. Select the payment method of the expense, for example, if paid with employee's money, mark Reimbursement, and click on Add [number] expense.

    As a result, the document is processed and appears under the All tab where you can find all automatically processed documents.

What can I do if my email contains multiple attachments?

Payhawk treats each of the attachments as a separate expense. This means that:

What can I do if I send an unpaid invoice to the paid Receipts Mailbox email address?

Even if the document for an unpaid expense was sent over to the Receipts Mailbox email address, you can still create a new expense to which you want to attach your document.

Can I set up a forwarding rule and send the invoices from my company invoices inbox to Payhawk?

If you have a common company email for processing all your invoices, you can set up a forwarding rule and send the invoices to Payhawk.

How will employees know where to send the expense documents?

The Receipts Mailbox is available under the personal profile of each employee. For more information, see the section on locating the Receipts Mailbox and copying the email addresses for paid and unpaid expenses.

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