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Issuing Payhawk cards

Issue virtual Payhawk corporate cards or plastic and Premium Metal physical ones for the employees at your company.

Neda Velkova avatar
Written by Neda Velkova
Updated over a week ago

Payhawk administrators can issue virtual and physical (plastic or Premium Metal) Payhawk corporate cards for their employees.

For more information about issuing third-party virtual cards through Payhawk, see the article about issuing virtual American Express Cards.

The virtual Payhawk cards are intended for online payments. However, they can also be added to a digital wallet and used for payments on POS terminals.

The physical plastic and Premium Metal Payhawk cards are intended for executing both online and POS payments, for example, company-related in-store purchases or for travels worldwide.

To be able to issue a Payhawk card for an employee, you must have already deposited funds into your Payhawk account.

Notes on issuing Payhawk cards

Stand-alone card limits and spend card policies

When issuing a Payhawk card, you need to select whether the card will have an individual monthly limit (stand-alone limit) or it will be added to an already existing company spend policy.

  • Stand-alone limits are designed to allow you the flexibility of providing individual monthly limits for cards. Such cards are suitable for recurring payments that are easy to estimate and do not require complex approvals- for example, purchasing office expenses or paying subscriptions.

  • Limits based on company spend policies are suitable for organizations that want to group their cardholders into different categories based on their spending behavior. For example, you can define a high-level management policy that can have a high-spending limit. Whenever you choose a card to belong to this policy, the limits will be automatically enforced.

Issuing physical cards

To issue a plastic or Premium Metal Payhawk card for an employee:

  1. In the Payhawk web portal, go to Cards > Cards.

  2. Click on the + New button.

  3. In the dialog that opens, select the Physical (for a plastic card) or Metal (for a Premium Metal card) option.

  4. Select the employee assigned to the corporate card.

  5. (For Premium Metal cards) Write the name that will be engraved on the card. Note that to fit, the symbols must be less than 16.

  6. (Optional) Name the card.

  7. For cards with stand-alone limits, select the funding source (that is, the debit or credit account from which the card will be fed) and the monthly recurring limit.

    For cards under existing company spend policies, again select the funding source and the policy to which you'll assign the card.

  8. Next, choose the delivery address for the card. The toggle button indicating your company address is switched on by default If you want the card to be delivered to another location, switch off the toggle and fill in the required post data.

  9. Click on Issue card to confirm your choice.

Issuing virtual cards

To issue a virtual Payhawk card for an employee:

  1. In the Payhawk web portal, go to Cards > Cards.

  2. Click on the + New button.

  3. In the dialog that opens, select Virtual by clicking on the option.

  4. Select the employee assigned to the corporate card.

  5. (Optional) Name the card.

  6. For cards with stand-alone limits, select the funding source (that is, the debit or credit account from which the card will be fed) and the monthly recurring limit.

    For cards under existing company spend policies, again select the funding source and the policy to which you'll assign the card.

  7. Click on Issue card to confirm your choice.

Issuing physical and virtual cards in bulk

As a Payhawk administrator, you can issue physical plastic cards and virtual cards to multiple employees at the same time.

You are eligible for a discount on the shipping fees for bulk card deliveries. For more information, contact your Payhawk representative.

To issue Payhawk cards in bulk:

  1. In the Payhawk web portal, go to Cards > Cards.

  2. Click on the Bulk issue button.

  3. In the dialog that opens:

    1. Select the type of card (Physical for plastic cards or Virtual).

    2. From the drop-down menu, select the employees to whom these cards will be assigned.

    3. For cards with stand-alone limits, select the funding source (that is, the debit or credit account from which the cards will be fed) and the monthly recurring limit.

      For cards under existing company spend policies, again select the funding source and the policy to which you'll assign the cards.

  4. For plastic cards:

    1. Choose the delivery address where they'll be shipped. The toggle button indicating your company address is switched on by default If you want the card to be delivered to another location, switch off the toggle and fill in the required post data.

    2. From the Recipient drop-down menu, select the person who will receive the cards.

  5. Click on Issue cards to confirm your choice.

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