If needed, you can submit a card request and ask for a new corporate card to be issued in your name as a cardholder.
Depending on your use case, you can request a standard physical, standard virtual, or a single-use virtual card. If your company is based in the US and your company has connected the two systems, you can also ask for a virtual American Express Card that will be issued and managed through Payhawk.
Your card request will be submitted to the respective approvers at your company based on the workflows defined by your Payhawk administrator.
Notes on requesting new cards
For your card request to be completed, it has to be approved by a defined approver and, then, issued by a Payhawk administrator at your company.
You will be able to request new virtual American Express Cards only if your company is based in the US and a connection between the American Express and Payhawk systems has been established.
As the owner of the card request, you are the only one who can view the name of the next approver.
Requesting cards in the app
To submit a card request from the Payhawk mobile app:
In the app, tap Cards. If you don't have a card yet, click on the Request a card button. Otherwise, click on the + (plus) icon in the upper-right corner of the screen.
In the dialog that opens, select the type of card you need. For more information about Payhawk cards, see the overview article on the available card types.
Under Note, provide the reason for your card request.
If requesting a single-use card, you'll need to additionally define the amount you need for the single transaction.
For your convenience, you'll be able to see who is going to approve your card request according to the defined workflows at your company.
Click on Send request.
Canceling your card request in the app
To cancel a card request from the Payhawk mobile app:
In the app, tap Inbox.
In the Pending tab, select the request for the new card you want to cancel by clicking on it.
Tap Cancel request.
Requesting new cards in the portal
To request a new card from the Payhawk web portal:
In the Payhawk portal, go to Cards.
Click on Request a card.
In the dialog that opens, select the type of card you need. For more information about Payhawk cards, see the overview article on the available card types.
Under Note, provide the reason for your card request.
If requesting a single-use card, you'll need to additionally define the amount you need for the single transaction.
For your convenience, you'll be able to see who is going to approve your card request according to the defined workflows at your company.
Click on Send request.
Canceling your card request in the portal
To cancel a card request from the Payhawk web portal:
In the Payhawk web portal, go to Inbox.
Under Requests, click on View all.
In the Pending tab, select the request for the new card you want to cancel by clicking on it.
Click on Cancel request.